Fourteen individuals, mostly hailing from Eastern European nations, were expelled from Kenya due to allegations of engaging in unlawful wagering. These persons, employed by the sports wagering firm SportPesa, were detained during searches of their Nairobi workplaces. They are being returned to their countries of origin on accusations of illicit gaming and lacking the necessary employment authorizations. These expulsions come after earlier raids this week on various SportPesa premises by Kenyan officials seeking paperwork related to the company’s recently revived online betting activities. SportPesa is presently engaged in a legal dispute with the government, aiming to reverse the decision to close down their Kenyan operations. This situation originates from a 2019 crackdown on the gaming industry in Kenya, during which SportPesa and 18 other providers had their licenses revoked due to tax disagreements with the Kenyan Revenue Authority. SportPesa endeavored to return in 2020 under the new name Milestone Games Limited, even obtaining a license from the Betting Control and Licensing Board (BCLB). However, Interior Minister Fred Matiang’i has publicly declared the government’s unwavering position against non-compliant wagering firms, stressing their dedication to upholding the prior rulings made against these operators.
The authorization is currently inactive.